Inhale to Exhale

You can only give what you have an abundance of; if you lack, then you cannot help others.

Being on the yogic journey means you understand the concept of Seva - or selfless service. As teachers, we are here to serve the wisdom and assure that it passes along to the next generation. Each of us knows just how much the yogic knowledge and practices have changed our personal lives, and how we have enhanced others.

At some point in life, you have likely reached a moment where you felt like you have nothing left to give - this means you have exhaled and delivered, and now it is time to inhale.

Inhaling not only with the breath, but inhale through learning. In this way, you will have more to exhale and give to whomever you wish to assist, maybe students, loved ones, a worthy cause or community.

No matter whom you help, remember to help yourself first - this is not selfish. To not help yourself first, often means others will then have to stop and care for you.

Think of boarding an airplane, and the announcement given. You are to secure your oxygen mask first, then help others achieve putting on their mask.

If you are not able to breathe, how will you help?

Whoever or whatever you want to help, be sure first to inhale...

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