Where will your yoga practice take you?
12 Weeks. 100 Hours.
You. Will. Transform.
Yoga is the process of deep transformation on all three levels - body, vitality and consciousness. The blessings of a yoga practice have been passed from teacher to student for thousands of years bearing time tested results of inner peace, flexibility, strength, mental clarity and above all - knowing that one can obtain liberation from suffering.
Although there is no magic pill that can truly reduce suffering, however there is a magic process - Zen Yoga Spring Training is a specific inner alchemical process to illuminate you!
Disentangle from the outer world and find the bliss of your inner being….
During the 12 weeks of Zen Yoga's Spring Training you have the opportunity to shed the past and turn over a new leaf.
It’s time to shine and bring a lighter feeling body, set in a deep long-lasting inner calm to enhance your vibrant yogic glow.
Find the inner freedom you are seeking…
Find Balance, Like Minded Souls, Focus, Connection, Inner Freedom, Calm, Flexibility, and yourself…
Sample of a Zen Yoga Meditation
Zen Yoga 100
During this 100 hour course your training will include:
Movement (Asana)
Yogic Breathing (Pranayama)
Introduction to the Energetic Anatomy and 8 Limbs of Yoga
Mantras for Mindfulness
Transformation of body, vitality and self.
Course Details:
Includes 12 Saturday Master Classes 8:30am -11am ($1995 value)
Weekly practice classes (variety of time options) ($375 value)
Curriculum Books ($45 value)
Complete Online Video Library ($995 value)
Full Day Intensives: April 25th and May 2nd ($790 value)
QiFit weekend: April 27 - 28 ($795 value)
Hours may be applied to Zen Yoga’s 200 hour certification
You may choose to show up in person to QiFit weekend or Full Day Intensives
Value: $4995
Actual Cost
Additional Details call 623-537-9443
Your mat is calling…are you listening?
Along with direct contact to Master Instructors, this course includes In depth curriculum book and online library
With over 200 pages, and over 200 support videos to aid you in your personal process of expanding awareness.
(Book available in paperback or Kindle edition for easy travel)