


Choose a product or course, watch each lecture or practice along with each physical lesson. A yoga practice will create more happiness, more physical freedom, inner peace, quiet the voice in the head and create space between action and re-action. Do this for the duration of the course and experience the power of transformation through Zen Yoga.

It was like walking through a door I never even knew was there. The one element that made the most impression on me was the evident and demonstrated fact that this is truely a practice for everyone. Age, physical condition, agility do not truely matter. Refinement of the practice is internal. Strength and agility come with time, practice, and dedication, and possibly in different forms and outward expressions based on the individual. .
— Yvonne, Phoenix

I just started but I love the atmosphere and the knowledge of the Masters. It is a wonderful exercise for my Brain as well as my body and balance.
— Tanya, Arizona

I love the simplicity of the way this course is being taught. Thank you!.
— Juaniece, California

The best gift you can give yourself is a membership! Awesome place to learn about your health and earn your Chi. Thank you for this life changing experience! You are the best!
— Connie, Nebraska

Wow! I hadn’t really planned on completing a 200hr yoga training course in retirement but I am so glad I did. I had always been drawn to yoga mostly for the “exercise.”Now I see it as a meditative physical practice that has taught me how to center myself, breath properly, align appropriately, strengthen my body and explore my spirit.
— Mary Lou, Sun City West

So happy to find this place! They make you feel very welcome and ease you into the programs slowly! Highly recommend!
— Robyn, Surprise

The staff is exemplar, each bringing their own uniqueness to their participants. I focus on Yoga & just experienced a informative & useful class entitled The Art of Alignment taught by Colleen Inman. The Yoga class I taught this morning greatly benefitted from the knowledge I gleaned & appreciated some new techniques to find that “perfect spot” for your body. Thank you Zen. Namaste
— Carol, USA

I can’t remember being this excited or passionate about something my whole life.
— LInda, Sun City Grand

use zen yoga to change your life

We make yoga simple and user friendly to raise the collective vibrational frequency of the practitioner, and of the world. Zen Yoga is a tool for transformation. Each piece of information is a unique expression of the 5 elements and hatha yoga, of which we are all created, an serves as a foundation for personal yogic pracitce.

Think of Zen Yoga as methods for meditation, movement and contemplation to still the turbidity of the mind, reduce the suffering of a chronolgically aging body and the gift of knowledge to able one to pursue a sense of over all better well-being, all to reveal true clarity in your life.

Zen Yoga helps you live the story of the 5 elements

The Ancient Masters of the East observed recurring patterns in nature, medicine, music, human affairs, and all aspects of life. They categorized these observations into the Five Phases, or Elements. Each Element holds distinctive characteristics, attributes, tendencies, strengths, and weaknesses, setting it apart from the others.

The Masters believed if we could observe the Five Elements in nature and see these patterns of truth reflected within our own selves, then we would have the wisdom to be in harmony with nature, others, and ourselves.

The teachings are all woven into the breath, movement and theory while maintaining elemental alignment and meditation.


When you listen to the theory, embody the elements, and breath in accordance with the current times - you will learn the teachings and patterns of the elements. The teachings are all woven into the movements through discovering meridians (energy lines used in acupuncture), elemental expressions of each asana, breathing styles to achieve an array of results from calming to enlivening, and in depth theory bridging hatha and taoist yoga philosophy’s.





At Zen Yoga, our core mission is to pay forward the teachings of the ancient wisdom. Teacher to student the traditions of how to live a lifestyle closer to harmony, tranquility and ones true self. The path of a yogi is a simple path, yet requires much desire and persistance. 

Zen Yoga is a transformational process that will not only stretch your body, but take you past the limits of your current mind and is not to be taken lightly. Consider that if you are not ready for the changes that come with illumination, this particular process might not be for you. A yoga program that is more surface more condusive, as this program has more to it than a good workout (although you will get that too!)

Our instructors are world class, each with their unique value and offerings to the yogic path, bridging together hatha and qigong modalities for health and integration of mind, body and self. Passionate about uncovering universal truths and methods to maintain a sense of well being on all three levels of being, the Zen Yoga staff continues their process in learning to pay forward to you.



External & Internal

Not to be cliché, however the truth in the room is that your external environment is a bi-product of your internal landscape. To say it another way, your reality is a product of your best thinking. Zen Yoga is about refining your inner self through tapas (effort) to create tejas (illumination) using postures, breath and visualization. Start your guided journey inward now. 


Decades of Results

Brining the world some zen based on decades of positive results from thousands of Zen Yoga students. Each level of Zen Yoga is a stepping stone to the next for finding the more balanced feelings of the body, mind and spirit.


Zen Yoga

Built Old-School, so you can Home-School

200 and/or 300 Hour Online Zen Yoga Teacher Training Course
Starts when you start

Learn the necessary content and tools to successfully lead a yoga class with and extensive online course that includes theory, posture alignment and beginner pranayama. Minimum of 200 hours needed, yet hundreds of hours of classes available 24/7.  

Advance your personal practice and understanding of the yogic path to either apply personally or to yoga classes. Requires compeletion of a 200 hour yoga class. Learn with hundreds of hours of content covering theory, ethics, philosphy, asana technique, seasonal pranayamas and more! 

Online Courses & YA CEU’s
Starts when you start

Just looking to advance one area of your practice? Or start small? Try out one of the a la carte courses like ‘The Chakra Experience’ or ‘Zen Yoga Beginners’. Choose the right course for you and get Yoga Alliance Approved Continuing Education Credits too!

Online 10 Class Passes
Chair, Beginners or Intermediate Classes

Start now, from wherever you are with an Online 10 class pass in your choice of Chair Zen Yoga (chair seated and standing), Zen Yoga Beginners (floor and standing), or Zen Yoga Intermediate Flow. Zen Yoga is a unique blend of traditional hatha yoga and qigong that helps you align with the energy of the current season.



Each season we make upgrades to harmonize with the elemental influences. In the winter its warmer clothing, and during the summer months we shed the clothing and enjoy the great outdoors. Zen Yoga follows the same flow of mother nature to maintain balance in the tides of life.