Courses, Books & Music
Zen Yoga books and mindfully crafted chart topping meditation music to aid you in your journey to optimal wellness and inner peace.
Zen Yoga: Theory, Postures & Remedies
A compilation of commonalities in Taoist, Hatha and Vedic Yoga for those on the yogic journey to self-realization and zen. These ancient teachings have been passed down through generations of seekers to create masters of the subject and self. Zen Yoga: Theory, Postures & Remedies offers initiation to the subject as well as content for the advancing practitioner. In understanding the teachings, one is aided in dissolving the perceived and real discomforts of modern life, while supporting the individual’s responsibility to remain healthy in mind, body, and spirit
Zen Yoga: Balancing the Wood Element - A New Leaf
First in the series of five books dedicated to assisting those pursing a balanced life through the unique blend of hatha yoga, taoist yoga and theory based on the Traditional Chinese Medicine five elements. These ancient practices are brought together from a lineage of direct transmission from teacher to student for balancing the mind, body and breath to achieve harmony and a life without suffering. In understanding and implementing these teachings, one begins to observe the natural changes and harmonize with the flow of the element and its season to enhance overall health and well being.
Chakra Album
Think of meditation as putting a turbid snow globe down on a flat surface. Over time, through stillness, turbidity settles, and you are able to see clearly through the snow globe. Meditation works in the same way by allowing internal turbidity to settle, giving you more clarity in your life. Each song tells a story of one of the seven chakras, or energy centers. The music was composed to both resonate with and regulate each energy center. This album was also written to be a timer in your meditation, yoga, tai chi and qigong practice. The tempo of the songs varies based on the chakra. Each song is 5 minutes and the drone goes off every 16 seconds (19 times per song). Use this to regulate and time your breath and movement.
Online Zen Yoga Courses
Zen Yoga’s ‘The Chakra Experience”
Tuition $108
Focused on the energy wheels of our body, the Chakra Course delivers profound lessons in just how important a balanced chakra system can be! Uncover the physical movements, visualizations and sounds used to bring harmony back to your Chakras. An ONLINE course experience of the 7 chakras. Tuning each chakra will aid in bringing harmony to the mind, body and consciousness. This 10 hour course has an optional assessment for those who would like online CEU’s for their Yoga Alliance Registration.
Zen Yoga Module One - The Beginners Journey
Your yoga journey starts here with the foundational first module of100 hours of the yogis’s step by step path to moksha (liberation). Theory, movement, breath and much more.A true yoga practice is more than asana, the mind must be unified by connecting to the breath. This journey requires not only a map, but a guide unfold the terrain as you walk the path. Zen Yoga 100 brings the ashram directly to you.
100 Hours. You. Will. Transform.
Zen Yoga Module Two - The Beginners Journey 2
Your yoga journey starts here with the foundational second module of 100 hours of the yogis’s step by step path to moksha (liberation). Theory, movement, breath and much more.A true yoga practice is more than asana, the mind must be unified by connecting to the breath. This journey requires not only a map, but a guide unfold the terrain as you walk the path. Zen Yoga 100 brings the ashram directly to you.
Hours 101-200. You. Will. Transform.
Zen Yoga 200 & Optional Certification
Zen Yoga’s 200 Hour online training and optional certification complete program. The foundation of yoga.Zen Yoga 200 hour training is designed for transformation to fit your lifestyle. With so many ways that we can use technology - one higher vibrational way is to help us develop as individuals. Use your mobile device or other media source to your highest advantage through the cultivation of a stronger physical body, clarity of mind and emotional harmony that you may ultimately use to share with others.
Zen Yoga 300 & Optional Certification
Once you have completed your 200-hour course, the 300-hour course with optional certification is designed to enhance what you have learned and take you deeper into the state of yogic being. With a similar mind, body and energy format you will learn how to use the practice to best harmonize with the 5 seasons of TCM. Zen Yoga’s 300 Hour online training and optional certification program. Yoga by the Season.
Yin and Restorative Yoga for Meridians & Elements
Skip all the theory and go right into moving the body with one of the 5 seasonal Zen Yoga Flow Series. Take your time and notes, practice for the entire season and glow with the benefits of seasonal harmony.